The world’s leading software for three-dimensional soil settlement analysis. Used by top geotechnical engineers for civil projects around the world, Settle3 is a simple yet sophisticated program that...
The lack of data input on soil and rock mass properties can be a major obstacle when you’re running your geotechnical analyses. RSData helps to remedy this situation by providing analysis tools and da...
SpectraPave software provides pavement design engineers the most powerful tool available for evaluating roadway design options and optimizing pavement performance using Tensar Geogrids. This free prog...
The pile foundation module is part of the GeoMechanica Desktop applications. the module consists of programs developed to allow engineers to calculate the bearing capacity and settlement of single pil...
This program is used to determine vertical settlement and time-dependent consolidation of soils under embankments, foundations, earth dams and surface loads (surcharges).
Optum G2 is a comprehensive finite element program for geotechnical stability and deformation analysis. Its modern graphical user interface ensures an intuitive and efficient workflow. The computation...
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