3D and 2D slope stability analysis using the same model.
Used for all types of slope stability problems including open pit mines, land fills, and any slope with complex geological structure and var...
Wedge Failure Analysis is a wedge failure analysis package. It includes a stereonet view of the planes the user inputs and a printable summary of the analysis.
GEO5 Rock Stability program analyses the stability of rock slopes and walls for a specified type of failure, including a planar or polygonal slip surface or soil (rock) wedge.
RocTopple is part of our complete suite of rock slope stability analysis software, which includes SWedge, RocPlane, and Dips. This 2D and 3D software offers users fast and comprehensive solutions to a...
Planning a monitoring campaign with easeThe success of a mining operation relies on its ability to deal with induced instability, a task where awareness and timely decisions are fundamental.
An essential part of your rock slope analysis toolkit, RocPlane is an easy-to-use tool for planar wedge stability analysis and design. RocPlane is an especially useful tool for geotechnical engineers...
SWedge is a quick and simple-to-use analysis tool for evaluating the geometry and stability of surface wedges in rock slopes. Commonly used together with Dips, SWedge is a key tool for the analysis of...
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