SpectraPave software provides pavement design engineers the most powerful tool available for evaluating roadway design options and optimizing pavement performance using Tensar Geogrids. This free prog...
SPONCOM is software to aid mining operators, regulatory bodies, and consultants in the assessment of the spontaneous combustion risk of an underground mining operation.
This spreadsheet performs shallow foundation design using data from the Standard Penetration Test. Various methods are used for the bearing capacity criterion and the settlement criterion (serviceabil...
STAAD is a comprehensive structural finite element analysis and design application that provides you with powerful visualization capabilities and a wide range of international design codes. Using an e...
STAAD Foundation Advanced is a comprehensive structural foundation design and analysis software application that includes specialized capabilities specific to foundation projects of all types. STAAD F...
STABLEPRO for Windows provides a pre and post processor for data input and output viewing for STABL4 or STABL5.
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