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SeismoArtif is an application capable of generating artificial earthquake accelerograms matched to a specific target response spectrum using different calculation methods and varied assumptions.
SeismoMatch is an application capable of adjusting earthquake accelerograms to match a specific target response spectrum, using the wavelets algorithm proposed by Abrahamson [1992] and Hancock et al....
SeismoSignal can be used to efficiently process strong-motion data, derive a number of strong motion parameters often required by engineer seismologists and earthquake engineers, also featuring a user...
SeismoSpect is a simple and efficient platform used for the creation of a personalized library of ground motion records, allowing the user to save them all in a single file making it easy to handle an...
SeismoStruct is an award-winning Finite Element package capable of predicting the large displacement behaviour of space frames under static or dynamic loading, taking into account both geometric nonli...
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