The US President Obama rejected the Keystone XL pipeline which was an issue of major environmental concern in the United States.
The US President Obama rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline which was an issue of major environmental concern in the United States.
The Keystone XL pipeline of TransCanada was planned to connect the tar sands or oil sands of southwestern Alberta, Canada to the refineries located in the Gulf of Mexico.
The construction of the pipeline has been an issue of very intense political and social conflicts.
Republicans, and the Government of Canada argue that the Keystone XL pipeline would offer jobs, but ecological organizations say that the environmental risk is enormous.
Obama argued “The pipeline would not make a meaningful long-term contribution to our economy and would not significantly lower US gas prices or improve energy security. On the flip side, approving the pipeline would undercut America's "global leadership" on climate change,”
The rejection of this project will not reverse Climate Change.
However, the pipeline has been considered as a symbol against climate change.
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