A people-powered energy revolution is possible and may be close at hand
A people-powered energy revolution is possible and may be close at hand
The environmental group Friends of the Earth Europe (FOEE) recently published a report titled ‘The Potential of Energy Citizens in the European Union' which estimates that by 2050, about half all EU households (around 113 million) may have the potential to produce energy- either individually or through a collective, and even more could provide demand flexibility with their electric vehicles, smart e-boilers or stationary batteries. The report outlines the potential for citizen-owned renewable energy systems, where 264 million "energy citizens" could generate 45% of EU’s electricity needs in 30 years’ time. ‘People have the power to revolutionize Europe's energy system, reclaiming power from big energy companies, and putting the planet first. We need to enshrine the right for people to produce their own renewable energy in European and national legislation,’ said Molly Walsh, FOEE community power campaigner.
The researchers distinguished four different categories of "energy citizens": individuals or households generating energy individually, individuals or households producing energy collectively as part of a co-op or association, public entities (government buildings, schools, hospitals etc) and small enterprises (<50 staff). The renewable energy sources investigated were solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy.
"Citizens are already playing a role in renewable energy projects across Europe—benefiting the local economy, as well as creating public support for the energy transition. Their potential is huge, and this research shows these projects could, and should, be the norm," Dirk Vansintjan, president of the European Federation of Renewable Energy Cooperatives, said.
The report was carried out by CE Delft and commissioned by the European Renewable Energies Federation, Friends of the Earth Europe, Greenpeace EU Unit, and the European Federation of Renewable Energy Cooperatives. The organizations are calling for a framework to promote citizen-owned energy within the European Commission's Energy Union package, the commission's strategy for ushering in a low-carbon economy.
Number of energy citizens for the various technologies assessed, potential to 2050 for the EU28.
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